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SRX8219402: CES Pseudomonas reads
1 ILLUMINA (Illumina HiSeq 2500) run: 44.2M spots, 4.4G bases, 2.6Gb downloads

Design: Genomic DNA extracted from CES cells, and sequenced on Iluminia HiSeq platform. Note: Sequence assembled by Beijing Genomics Institute and BGI cited 92% mapping rate to assembled genome, but user might get 97+% depending on settings.
Submitted by: USDA-ARS-Beltsville Sustainable Agricultural Systems Laboratory
Study: Pseudomonas sp. CES Genome sequencing and assembly
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The CES strain was isolated from soil at the University of Iowa Center for Biocatalysis and Bioprocessing using an enrichment procedure with caffeine as sole carbon and nitrogen source. Prior to isolation, coffee grounds had been amended to the soil for ten days. The soil was then collected and incubated in M9 minimum medium with .25 percent caffeine as described previously previously (Yu CL, Louie TM, Summers R, Kale Y, Gopishetty S, Subramanian M. J Bacteriol. 2009 Jul;191(14):4624-32. Epub 2009 May 15.) The strain was initially characterized as Pseudomonas sp. Strain CES (for Coffee Enriched Soil) based on 16S rRNA sequencing and FAME analysis. CES uses the N-demethylation pathway for caffeine breakdown.
Sample: Microbe sample from Pseudomonas sp.
SAMN14432513 • SRS6577438 • All experiments • All runs
Name: 507
Instrument: Illumina HiSeq 2500
Strategy: WGS
Selection: RANDOM
Layout: PAIRED
Runs: 1 run, 44.2M spots, 4.4G bases, 2.6Gb
Run# of Spots# of BasesSizePublished


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